27. 10. 2018


Never enough - Greatest Showman OST- You set off a dream in me... All the stars we steal from night sky will never be enough... towers of gold are still too little for me...
Jessie Ware - Say you love me - Slowly, you run for me, but do you know me at all? Someone told me, love controls everything - but only if you know... 
Oh my soul - Casting Crowns - And noone would blame you, if you cried in private, tried to hide it and then you stopped believing...


To the most beautiful girl I know. I wish her all the hapiness this mad world could give her, and all the blessing of the God. Knowing her since we were kids playing in school, and despite my young age I already knew she is...precious and beautiful as well inside... 
Wishing her the best... yet I still cant handle with envy which I feel to anybody, who has, what I dont. 

Sorry for it, I really do. 
The most beautiful of girls I know,
nice, lovely and gracious,
yet, I'm still feeling envious. 

Brightest stars shine in her eyes,
meanwhile darkness falls in mine.
I know she deserves to be blessed,
and even so the tear falls down to my chest.

Trust me, she is the prettiest of girls I've met,
I knew her since time I was wearing floral coronet.
Don't know anybody so nice, and lovely, gracious...
Must confess, I am still feeling envious.

Years ago I wish her to be beatific and blessed
Knowing she looks for her place in this worldwide mess,
hoping she find it cause she deserves all the best.

Was not able to write it in czech, because it is still too personal. 

There are doors we  cant walk through... 
When we go outside, see it was hopeless, after all... 
No one can rewrite the stars, how can you say you will be mine?
Everything keep us apart. It is not up to you, it is not up to me...
when everyone tells us what we can be, how can we rewrite the stars?

(Jsou tu dveře, skrz které nedokážeme projít, a nakonec uvidíš, že to všechno bylo beznadějné...
Nikdo nemůže přepsat hvězdy, tak jak můžeš slibovat, že budeš můj?
Všechno nás rozděluje, a nemůžeš to změnit, ani já.
A jak bychom mohli přepsat hvězdy, když nám všichni říkají, jací máme být?) 

"Quotidie morior - umírám kdykoliv."

"Naše dokonalost spočívá v tom, že víme, že jsme nedokonalí."(Augustinus Aurelius)